Digital Commerce Platform
One Solution Partner – One Integration – One Channel – One Platform
Biotekno Retail Digital Commerce Platform, OTS Platform, holds a position among in the middle of digital retail ecosystem Retails Sales Points, Merchants and Business Partners are located. OTS Platform orchestrates the whole digital product sales, service sales and money collection processes.

One Solution Partner
OTS Platform is Turkey’s first and only Digital Commerce Platform. With OTS Platform D-Commerce Platform it is easy to enable e-wallet, money transfer and invoice payment solutions along with thousands of digital product and PIN sales. Leading Retail chains and e-commerce platforms targetting digital product sales and fintech services can enable these solution by integration their infrastructure at ease and high-speed with one Solution Partner.
One agreement with one Solution Partner opens the doors of selling thousands of digital products, Telecom Money/Data Topup, E-Wallet, Money Transfer and Invoice Payment scenarios.
Global ECR hardware and software producers such as NCR/Encore, Toshiba, Echopos, Diebold and Ingenico are already integrated and partners with OTS Platform. With this way, OTS Platform brings thousands of digital products, contents and game world to retails chains and boosts digital product revenues.
One Solution Partner opens channels of thousands of digital products, contents and tens of services with just one connection.

One Integration
Biotekno Retail Digital Commerce Platform, OTSPlatform, holds a position among in the middle of digital retail ecosystem Retails Sales Points, Merchants and Business Partners are located. OTS Platform orchestrates the whole digital product sales, service sales and money collection processes.
One Integration is enough to extent your business with with OTS Platform. Start selling on all active sales points.
Enabling digital product sales and digital financial operations are very easy with OTS Platform. Thanks to OTS 2.X technology and service definitions, integration with OTS Platform is simple and flexible. OTS Platform’s new generation web service infrastructure enables smooth integration of planned actual and future business processes.
One Integration opens doors of digital products sales, gift card and game pin sales, telecom product slaes, e-wallet solutions, money transfer, invoice payment and many other new business areas.
One Channel
One Channel via OTS Platform allows extending of your actual sales network and enables selling on thousands of sales points including leading retail ECRs (Electronic Cash Registers).
Instead of having hundreds of agreement OTS Platform increases sales network 100% with one connection.
Consumers can buy PIN/Code/Passwords for related digital products from various retails points in addition to online websites and mobile application channels published by the merchants.
Thanks to its centralized position, OTS Platform continuously adds new merchants and retails chains to its sales channels and act as gateway between digital product and content providers. OTS Platform hols a key role taking digital products and contents to thousands of sales point as a indispensable partner of digital product and service providers such as Google, Apple, Netflix, Digiturk, Paycell, Ininal, Nkolay, Turkcell, Vodafone, Türk Telekom, Lokum Games, Riot Games, Epic Games, and Aksigorta.

One Platform
OTS Platform is Turkey’s first and only Digital Commerce Platform developed by Biotekno’s sister company Mobiliva R&D Center. OTS Platforms operates at 22 leading retails chains in 81 cities and districts with 100% cusotmer satisfaction. Biotekno and Mobiliva R&D teams continuously develops and adds news modules and features. New features and enhnacements are provided partner retails and ECR providers automatically whenever they are ready.
OTS Platform brings together leading retails chains, global ECR harware / software providers and e-commerce platforms. With this way digital product and content providers can sale their products on thousands of sales points located in retail shops and online e-commerce platforms.
It is easy and simple to manage Merchant Operations, 7/365 Customer Service, Mail operations and Marketing processes on OTS Platform.